Blue Skies Visit
A few weeks ago we visited JET to see the Blue Skies Programme in action and spent the morning with Year 8 students learning all about rockets!
We watched a video about space travel and the forces required to send a rocket into space before the students put their knowledge to the test and made their own rockets from paper and masking tape.
Each rocket was placed on a pressurised tube and timed from the moment the pressure was released and they took off until they hit the ground again. There was some variation in the flight times of each rocket so they were taken back inside and each team had a look at what could be improved to make their rocket fly for longer. Some started from scratch while others only made minor changes but all saw an increase in air time.
It was great to see all the students so engaged in the task and working together within their teams to understand the forces affecting their rockets and what could be done to overcome them in order to for the rockets to travel further.